Like you'll never see me again

Monday, December 15, 2008

"Its Not the Same Without You, My World Won't Spin Without You"

Hey Mamas!! I do apologize for being gone for"see what had happened was" here now! But yeah i am on Christmas break which is im at home which is okay...but uhh...too much fam sometimes is not a good look...i love my SPACE back at school..but its all good...only a couple more weeks! Plus im not exactly complaing..i'm loving the VACA from school work...but anyway it sucks cause mostly i just been working a lot<<<<----- (HENCE why i have been absent)..gotta pay for Christmas gifts somehow right?? But anyway i was having a bad day until the bf surprised me at work and took me to a movie and dinner! Awwww i know, i know! Don't you just LOVE when they ACT right! haha enjoy♥

My look for the night! I used....

  • MAC- Warm Eyes pallete: sweet joy and well spiced on lid and outer corner
  • HIP cream liner in BLACK
  • NYX jumbo eyeshadow pencil in MILK

  • UDPP
  • Adrell Falsies in #53 <<<<------LOVE THESE BABIES!


  • Ponds Daily Face Cream

  • Black Opal HD Finshing Powder
  • (didn't feel like wearing foundation today)

  • Physicans Formula Mineralized Bronzing Powder<<<---EFFIN' LOVE THIS SHIT! (review coming up soon ladies)


  • Nivea Moisturizing H20 lip balm

  • HIP Lip Gloss in Pertentious

  • Clear lip Gloss

And that was that ladies...soooo after the bf waited for about...uhhh...and hour for me to get ready we headed off to the movies! yayy for unexpected date nights! ♥

On the way to the movies!

Super random but i had to put this up...O M G...gas has gone down sooo much in Atlanta...yaaayyy..its $1.4o here...and yes ladies..this was $17 for my car...(and i was on E)..whoo whoo!

We went and saw Eagle Eye...super late...i know but i MUST SAY..ya'll know i love my boo...but my goodness SHIA LABEOUF is the SHIT...and he is the he could get it...ANYDAY!! lol...Then next was dinner...we always try and go places we have never been before..weird i know but its an "US" thing...haha so we went to this diner place food kinda sucked..ughh.. but its was so cute the way they decorated for Christmas..

I hate when hes on his phone at peeve

the Christmas tree...ppuurttyy and they had lights everywhere

bored as fuck...waiting for the food...pretty pointsettias

yummy yummy food in my tummy!

YES..i eat fries with a fork..don't judge

im such a fat better than it tasted...ugh

Now on to some other business that i need to take care of...i was can never get away from these things..haha but i was TAGGED by the lovlies...Mineral Maven, LaaLaa Online, and FRANCESCA!! 16 THINGS about me...UGH....OKAY LETS SEE HOW THIS GOES...HAHA

  1. I love to eat
  2. My favorite color is black
  3. My major is Chemistry/Biology
  5. Biggest fear is failing
  6. I effin' LOVE soft
  7. I love to dance...even tho i never know what the fuck im
  8. I don't drink or smoke..
  9. My mom is a twin....(*crosses fingers* i've always wanted to have skips a generation so i hope i get the gene!)
  10. I have a huge potty mouth...what??!! im bad at hiding my
  11. The bf and i have been dating for 3 years (my LONGEST relationship)
  12. I had perfect attendence throughout grade school... (WHAT..i just never got
  13. I HATE the outdoors
  14. I hate losing at board if i don't win..somethings what if im a sore loser!
  15. Im EXTREMELY paranoid about germs...not a neat freak..just a germaphobe...
  16. I have a shopping ADDICTION...i have a problem...i need

And there you have it tired...fuck going to bed...long ass day...oohh yeah...i tag who ever wants to do this shit!!! have fun ladies!!♥

XOXO, Courtney


Miss Dimplez said...

i love yuur makeup. yuu're so fabulous! =*]

Miss Daja said...

aww date night..!
cute..i love when my bf does it..surprises me..even more so because he works 7 days a wk.
u guys looked sooo cute..and look at u with the fries and fork lol

Francesca said...

Nice to see you back hun, happy holidays♥

Chaveeo said...

happy holidayzz :) lol boyfriends a good guy...sweet......THe food looks bombb!!!

Nicole said...

nicee. i have that scarf!

A Day In The Life of {[TASH]} said...

i loveee lookin at your blog . and you and your bf are tooo cute :)

Yas said...

First and foremost you look so beautiful and I love those Ardell lashes. I haven't tried that style yet, but OMG they look so nice on you. BTW I totally want to eat that food. My bf started looking at the screen when I was reading and we both couldn't stop drooling. :P

J said...

Looking fab :) J x

Rai said...

First off, cute couple.
Your makeup is just lovely.
lol @ your faces though.

Bombchell said...

awww so cute!

Anonymous said...

Court...My boo eats fries with a fork....I think it's cute!!!:)

And you are so pretty in those pictures, make up done right~!!!!'

You's a go girl!!!:)

Jmilz86 said...

Date night is so cute! Love it

You looked so pretty, make-up on point!